Tuesday, February 1, 2011

writing: because it's winter

i am a mechanism for my own best interest. this song reminds me of the film hackers. great for bkgrd melodies while studying. feel it. focus. accomplish. as for thoughts on the video, it makes me think consciousness must be found. Charles Minot wrote in 1902, "Consciousness is at once the oldest problem of philosophy and one of the youngest problems of science. The time is not yet for giving a satisfactory definition of consciousness... Opinions may be divided into two classes... those which make consciousness a real phenomenon; the second those views which interpret it as an epiphenomenon. We are, I think practically all, agreed that the fundamental question is: Does or does not consciousness affect directly the course of events?-- or, stated in other words, is consciousness a true cause? In short, we encounter at the outset the problem of free-will."
I find these thoughts rather significant in coming to understand one's place in the world of waking life.

Consciousness must be found. when one is aware, one is awake. alive. present. one is within the element of time and therefore understands it. The sun, the moon and the stars mark one's place in space. Watches merely mark the next meal, the next interaction, the next event. One must learn to follow their urge of hunger, tiredness, ect according to their body and surrounding's natural rhythms, not a numerical value. Find solace within the chaos of humans' attempt to create order. Live naturally. And let your mind find it's home. Oneness.

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