Monday, February 13, 2012

Prospects For the Future of My Blog

If you've ever run across my blog, you've seen my sporadic posts have consisted of creative writing ramblings. However, I desire to make my blog a little more serious on environmental issues as well as a journey of my life as I set out to accomplish goals I've set for myself. Of course, I'll continually be pouring out ideas and perspectives on issues I find interesting but don't see it as a path for my particular future.

As for a little background about myself: I'm currently 20 years old and an undergraduate botany major in the United States. My geographical and social history is rather broad and my intellectual curiosities infinitely deep. After graduating highschool I attended a small private university in Philadelphia where I studied Biology. I decided after just one year to transfer to a University where I could earn a Botany degree, for some reason within me I find it very important for me to do, although I absolutely loved my education at SJU. Where I want to take my degree? Well, that seems limitless at this point, but that's a part of the reason for this technological time capsule.

Anyway, I'll keep this rather short because each day there are a million things to reference and project on.